Project Brief
Your business is complex, with hundreds of moving pieces that all require your unique stamp on design. The business blog is no different and must represent a strong business identity to effectively mesh with each of the others to form a complete picture of distinct business proportions. Bring that image to the blog.
Element A

Element B

Conceptual Design Examples
Elements Needed
Your logo. Your color scheme. Your fonts. Your business brand identity can be transferred to a WordPress template that suits your company style and matches the best elements of your products and services. The framework is already in the template you choose – we’ll make the rest a perfect fit to deliver a unified business voice.

Initial Blog Planning
You know how you want to represent your company and have spent significantly to bring a strong image. Now bring that image to the business blog and add your authentic voice to speak directly to your customers.
Drafts & Revisions
The first attempt represents the beginning of a learning curve. Refine, polish, edit and perfect until your blog shines. The picture is complete when it represents what matters to your customers.
Final Delivery
Working with your in-house editor, we’ll establish a plan for regular business posts in your brand voice. This is the place to engage with brand advocates and potential customers with authenticity and transparency.
Strong Brands
Your business blog is a unique piece of your brand that can speak consistently to your core audience – both loyal customers and potential brand advocates. Post new content regularly, including infographics, videos and articles- to share your value proposition in new ways that may reach new customers through social channels.

Excellent Results
Business blogs consistently reach more visitors than any other channel because search engines love them. More search referrals come from Google to visit blogs than any other type of web site content. Blogging is second only to the home page as a traffic generator for businesses.